Delivery and Assessment
All courses are delivered and assessed by Nortwest college. Courses are delivered in a classroom-based simulated environment. Trainers use various delivery methods (e.g case studies, discussions, practical exercises, demonstrations and role plays). Learners are provided with training, resources and materials including. Emphasis is made to reflect the real work situations in order to develop employability skills required for the qualifications. Overseas students are required to meet their visa requirements regarding weekly attendance of 20 hours per week, comprising 15 contact hours in face-to-face sessions plus 5 hours of assigned online distance learning tasks; and satisfactory academic progress for each study period. Hours for attendance hours are recorded on completion of the weekly tasks.
Qualifications to be issued
To obtain a qualification students have to be deemed “Competent” in all assessments in all units. Students successfully completing all assessment requirements will be awarded with a qualification, eg; the Certificate IV in Business. Students completing only a part of a qualification will be issued with a Statement of Attainment indicating units of competency they completed.
Our Facilities
Nortwest college provides modern facilities and qualified staff. We run small classes with a friendly but professional atmosphere and provide support and guidance to our students through their studies and their leisure. Our computer labs are equipped with Mac and PC computers and industry endorsed software and resources. Students have available computer labs with high speed internet connection for their research and self study. Teachers are using computers and overhead projectors for the delivery.
Learning and Library resources
Learning and Library resources are available from our online system or hard copies can be obtained from the reception upon request.
Student Support Services
Student support services are located at all Nortwest college’s campus’. Student support services are accessible during normal business hours and help students to adjust to study and life in Australia. Our services also help you to achieve satisfactory course progress.
Complaints and Appeals
Any student has a right to take further action under Australian Consumer Protection Law if not satisfied with the internal complaint and appeal process. Further information on Policies, Procedures and Forms can be viewed here.
Student Orientation
Orientation is conducted prior to course commencement. The purpose of the orientation is to fully inform new students of the aspects of college life and provide an introduction to rules and regulations concerning studying at the Nortwest college and further information about living in Australia.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) & Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC)
Students may receive credit for their previous knowledge and skills through recognition of prior learning (RPL/RCC) upon successful application.
National recognition
A student who has successfully completed units from another course at another RTO in Australia may be given credit towards their studies at the Nortwest college upon providing a Statement of Attainment from a previous provider.
Credit transfer
Credit transfer is recognition of any equivalent study previously undertaken. To apply for credit transfer, applicants are required to provide a Statement of Attainment from a previous provider.
ESOS Framework for Overseas Students
The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework regulates education of overseas students studying in Australia. The ESOS Framework sets guidelines and minimum standards to protect students as well as Australia’s reputation providing quality education and support services to students. The ESOS Framework is also tuition and financial assurance. Contact us for more information about the ESOS Framework of visit this website.
Costs of living in Australia
We anticipate that an overseas student will require approximately AU$18,600 for living expenses each year plus tuition fees. If you have an adult dependant living with you will need an extra AU$5,000 per year. If you have dependent children you will need approximately AU$3,000 per child. Overseas students bringing their dependants may be liable for schooling fees of their school-aged dependants. Contact DIBP for more information on
Nortwest college is committed to providing a fair and equitable environment for its students, staff and visitors. Any discrimination or harassment of staff, students or visitors because of their sex, pregnancy, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or ethno-religious background, marital status, physical or intellectual or psychiatric disability, sexuality or age will not be tolerated.
Access and Equity
Nortwest college provides equal access to training and delivery services for local and international students. We conduct flexible training to meet specific needs of individual students where possible. The student enrolment form requires students to indicate any special needs for the course. Students with learning difficulties beyond our areas of expertise are referred to external specialist agencies. Students recruitment to the Nortwest college is carried out in an ethical manner in accordance with Access and Equity principles.
Transfer between providers
Overseas students are restricted from transferring from their principal course of study for a period of six months. This restriction also applies to any course(s) packaged with their principal course of study. Students can apply for a letter of release to enable them to transfer to another education provider. Nortwest college will only provide a letter of release to students before their first six months of their principal course in special circumstances as specified in Transfer between providers policy. Further information on Policies, Procedures and Forms can be viewed here.
Notice of withdrawal
If a student is in a situation where they need to apply for withdrawal, they are required do the following:
- Apply in writing using the Withdrawal Form (available at the Reception or online)
- Address it to the Admissions Manager
- State his/her name and student number
- State program and date of commencement they wish to withdraw from
- State reason for withdrawal
- Provide contact details
Notices will not be effective until received and approved by the college. However, students have the right to take further action, under Australia’s Consumer Protection Law, and pursue other legal remedies.