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Course Entry Interview Form
Course Entry Interview Form
Course Entry Interview Form
This form must be completed for each student prior to the finalisation of enrolment. The information provided will be used to determine the most suitable course for the applicant and ensure that the course is aligned to the particular skills and jobs the applicant wishes to achieve after completion. Please ensure each question is answered with as much detail as possible. Failure to address all questions may lead to the student’s enrolment being rejected. The form may be filled in by an Nortwest Pty Ltd. staff member where they document the responses provided by the student. The entry interview may be filled in face to face or over the phone.
SECTION A – Student/Applicant Details
Date of Birth:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
✓ Valid number
✕ Invalid number
SECTION B – Questions to be asked of the student
1. What course/s are you interested in enrolling in? (Please list course code and title)
ELICOS - General English
ELICOS - English for Academic Purposes
Business - Certificate III in Business
Business - Certificate IV in Business
Business - Diploma of Business
Business - Advanced Diploma of Business
Leadership & Management - Diploma of Leadership and Management
Leadership & Management - Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Project and Program Management - Diploma of Project Management
Project and Program Management - Advanced Diploma of Program Management
ICT Information Technology & Communication - Certificate III in Information Technology
ICT Information Technology & Communication - Certificate IV in Information Technology
ICT Information Technology & Communication - Diploma of Information Technology
Telecommunications - Advanced Diploma of Information Technology(Cyber Security)
Telecommunications - Advanced Diploma of Information Technology(Telecommunications Network Engineering)
Graduate Diploma - Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Commercial Cookery - Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
Commercial Cookery - Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
Hospitality Management - Diploma of Hospitality Management
Hospitality Management - Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
Construction Courses - Certificate III in Carpentry
Construction Courses - Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
Construction Courses - Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
Construction Courses - Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
2. What do you hope to gain from enrolling in this course/s? (Relevant to interests, capabilities, aspirations and job outcomes)
3. Please describe your career goals including short term and long term goals and any jobs you would like to have in the future.
4. What courses have you participated in in the past and what did you enjoy most about these courses?
5. Have you had any experience in any area related to the course/s you would like to enrol in?
6. What is your learning style and how do you like to learn? NOTE: You may also learn best through a combination of methods or through options not listed above. Those listed have been provided as examples.
NOTE: You may also learn best through a combination of methods or through options not listed above. Those listed have been provided as examples.
Visual – Learn best through pictures, diagrams, watching etc.
Hands on – Learn best through practicing, role plays, simulations etc.
Reading – Learn best through research, reviewing textbooks, reading notes etc.
7. What learning materials and strategies will assist you to learn best? Tick as many as apply.
Textbooks that I can read and refer to in my own time
PowerPoints and handouts explained to me during classes
Pictures and diagrams
Group discussions with others
Online materials that I can access and complete when I need to
Conducting my own research
Practical application of skills and knowledge in a workplace or similar
Working through real examples such as a case study or scenario
please explain
8. What support do you think you might need in order to complete this course successfully (anything known to you prior to your application)?
English language support
Reading support
Writing support
Study support
One-on-one guidance with a trainer/assessor
Additional resources
please explain
9. Are you currently working in the industry for which you are seeking training for?
Yes - continue with the below questions
b) Please provide your updated CV to support your answer
Max. file size: 200 MB.
a) What is the name of your workplace?
10. Have you ever worked in the industry in which you are seeking training in? This will help us determine if RPL or is a suitable option for you.
Please outline what role you had, when you worked in the industry and how long for.
Will the student be applying for RPL?
11. What other information do you think would be important for us to know to ensure we can meet your needs or that may support your application for enrolment into this course?
12. Have you completed any course that is likely to give you Credit for this course – i.e. would you like to make an application for Credit Transfer?
If yes, the applicant must supply certified copies of their transcripts.
Max. file size: 200 MB.
SECTION C – Information on online or digital component
13. Do you have regular access to a computer and internet?
Discuss solutions and strategies for accessing online content when needed and document here.
14. Approximately, how often do you use a computer and/or the internet?
3 hours or more a day
Less than an hour each day
A couple of times a week
Once a week
A couple of times a month
Never/ rarely
Note: Students who answer A couple of times a month or never/rarely – should be referred to a digital literacy assessment.
15. How good is your digital literacy? Rate between 1 to 5 (1 being very poor and 5 being excellent) Do you require any support with digital literacy?
Discuss solutions and strategies for accessing online content when needed and document here.
Please tick in the relevant column based on your ability
I can turn on and login to a personal computer
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
I can send an email
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
I can navigate to a website to locate required information
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
I can create folders and subfolders and rename them as required
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
I can find information using an internet search engine
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
I can attach documents to an email
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
I can save emails in different folders
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
I can login to an online system and follow prompts
I can’t do this
I can do this with support
I can do this on my own
I can teach others
16. How often do you use social media?
Every day
A couple of times a week
Once a week
A couple of times a month
Never/ rarely
Note: Students who answer A couple of times a month or never/rarely – should be referred to a digital literacy assessment.
To be completed by RTO representative
17. Is the candidate suitable for the intended course?
Additional information required
Please give details
18. What additional support will be provided to the student in order to ensure they are able to complete their program successfully? (if relevant)
19. For courses that contain an online or digital component, do the responses provided to Questions 13 – 16, demonstrate that the student has the skills and resources to appropriately participate in the course?
Other Comments:
Staff member declaration
For students who are suitable for enrolment, I confirm that I have explained and the student has received:
Course outline including detailed information about the course and arrangements for delivery
Process for applying for RPL and Credit Transfers (where applicable)
Student Handbook
Eligible students will need to sign the Student Agreement and pay the enrolment deposit to acceept their offer at which point a Confirmation of Enrolment letter will be sent with commencement information.
Staff member Name:
MM slash DD slash YYYY